Celebrate Learning Week Events

  • Celebrate Learning Week – May 9 – Teaching, Learning, and AO: The Lightning Round

    The rapid development of AI tools poses huge challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning. And UBC is responding in many different ways. Join us for a rapid fire introduction to a range of groups and individuals who are devoting their time to confronting many of the different AI impacts. This event will provide participants…

CTLT/CTL Events/Sessions

All AI in Teaching and Learning Events Registration

  • Aug. 8: 30+30 Integrating GenAI in Assignments and Assessments

    In this online workshop, we will explore various methods of integrating GenAI into assignments and assessments. These range from those that prohibit GenAI use, to assignments that utilize GenAI for ideation and brainstorming, evaluate GenAI output, and allow students to employ GenAI as a co-pilot.

  • Jul. 9: Exploring GenAI Tools for Teaching Material Development

    This in-person session focuses on how faculty can use various GenAI tools, including CoPilot, ChatGPT, Eduaide, Elicit, Gem, and Dall-E 3, for creating effective teaching materials. It will provide practical insights into applying these technologies for designing case studies, rubrics, scenarios, discussion questions, and lesson plans, emphasizing their role in enhancing the quality and interactivity…

  • Jun. 19: Gaining Insights into Teaching and Learning through Generative AI Analysis

    Generative AI is opening up new possibilities for faculty to examine their learning environments. This can involve analyzing grades, assignments, and teaching materials and grading assignments and assessments. Join us for a one-hour interactive session to explore how GenAI can be used to analyze our teaching and learning processes, and to understand the associated privacy…

  • Jun. 11: OER and GenAI

    Join us for an interactive online workshop where we will explore the challenges, contradictions, and opportunities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Open Educational Resources (OER).

  • May 15: GenAI in Teaching and Learning 101

    Are you interested in understanding the emerging role of Generative AI in higher education? We are hosting an online session specifically designed for faculty and staff new to this area. The session will provide an overview of large language models, such as ChatGPT, and their implications for teaching and learning. We will explore practical ways…

  • Aug. 14: GenAI in Teaching and Learning 101

    The session will provide an overview of large language models, such as ChatGPT, and their implications for teaching and learning. We will explore practical ways these technologies can be integrated into your teaching practice and curriculum to improve educational outcomes. This session is an opportunity to learn about the potential of GenAI in an academic…

  • Jun. 13: Chatbots in Teaching and Learning

    The workshop covered various GPT models available in the ChatGPT Plus store and introduced Poe, a platform that enables users to create their own bots using tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and DALL·E. Attendees learned how these tools could enhance their workflows and teaching methods.