How are UBC students using Generative AI?
The beginning of this article appeared in the February 2025 edition of Edubytes. There is a long history of resistance and concern about how tools educators did not use as students will negatively impact learners. From Socrates, who argued writing would impede learning, to the broad resistance in allowing students to use calculators and later […]
Scite AI
Search Citation Statements directly for relevant facts and insights. Track trends and get insights from groups of papers. Screen manuscripts as you write to ensure you’re using high quality references.
OCR and AI combined to help read and analyze questions with the potential to show answers to those questions based on images.
Chat your way through long documents, including PDFs and other research or writing material. Summarize long documents.
Research paper writing helper with inline citations, AI Text auto complete, research library, and more
Research Rabbit
Literature search, new research alerts, research collections, and digests
OpenAI’s image text to image bot; free for those who registered before April 6, 2023, otherwise paid
Goblin Tools
A collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult
Neurodivergence support tools
Tools that support those who are neurodivergent or have learning differences. Goblin Tools: “a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult” (from the About page)
Google’s NotebookLM
An LLM that lets you choose specific sources from which to draw. – Create your own chatbot
Create your own chatbot that will only answer questions framed by the initial prompt you give it.
Stability AI releases SDXL 1.0. Create images from text.
StabilityAI has released their SDXL 1.0 model which can generate images based on text descriptions.
Good for: generating content, translating text, and answering and asking questions.