The ways that you can use GenAI outputs with other learning technologies are wide and growing. With the right prompts, these tools can help streamline the process of creating your content or learning activities for other technologies.
The following are just a few examples of what you can do:
- Generate HTML code for use in Canvas or other platforms. GenAI tools can be good and quick at coding. You can prompt them to create code and placeholder content for specific pages in Canvas, e.g., “Create HTML code for a welcome page to use for a Canvas course, including a table for office hours and contact information”. Copy and paste the generated code into the HTML editor in Canvas, then customize the content.
- Troubleshoot layout issues with course pages. Sometimes the layout of a page in Canvas or UBC Blogs may look wrong, and you may not know how to fix it. You can copy the HTML of the page and prompt a GenAI tool to try to fix it for you.
- Build and import Canvas quizzes. Canvas lets you import Canvas quizzes from QTI files. You can use GenAI tools to format quiz questions into such a file. Prompt the tool to create a QTI file for Canvas and include the quiz details such as the title, questions and answer options, and correct answers.
Create H5P learning activities. H5P streamlines the creation of interactive course content, such as online quizzes, games, and multimedia. You can use GenAI tools to further shorten the process of inputting content into H5P.